Saturday, May 21, 2011

My perfect Lydia

Hi Beautiful,

We are getting so very close to your big day.....your 1st birthday. It is going to be a bumble bee theme party (if you hadn't heard already). The theme is for your nickname BEE - boo! It's going to be such a great time and there will be a ton of kid friendly activities.

You aren't officially walking just yet, but I think you are very close. I saw you take your first two small steps today. Mommy didn't see it so she was a touch sad. I am predicting that you will be walking by your first bday in two weeks. Either way, you will be so gosh darn cute (as always) when you are doing your little walk.

A new thing that you have been doing (which is so super cute) is feeding yourself your bottle and using your little baby spoon to feed yourself your yogurt. It gets all over your face, but the mess is well worth it. Of course, mommy has been taking pictures and sharing them with everyone so that we have things documented.

In travel news, we all just got back from a three day trip to Chicago. It was for daddy's work, but we made a little get away out of it. Mommy and Daddy went to the Oprah show final taping on Tuesday night at the United Center. You were watched by Katie & Eric Kozlowski and their baby Anna. You are 9 months younger than her. You two acted like best friends. You were giving her big hugs and kisses and Katie was texting the pictures to us so we could see them. You just love to love on everyone. It is absolutely adorable.

I love you with all my heart my little sweet darling,
Your daddy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Sweet Baby Girl!

There is so much to say right now about how adorable and smart and incredibly sweet you are. You are 11 months old now and acting like a little lady. You love to wave to everyone, you give tons of kisses and hugs on demand, and you are trying to walk everyday. You are so fast when you crawl that the other day you crawled faster than uncle john's dogs!

You are so very beautiful, on the inside and out. Everyone we know and just random people we see say how gorgeous you are and how sweet natured you are. When you give us kisses you just open your mouth and touch our checks. When you give us hugs you wrap your arms around our necks, lay your head down on our shoulders, and pat our backs. You have such a big loving heart already. You even give your dolls hugs and kisses.

We can't wait for you to meet our new baby in November. We love him/her so very much already and we know you two will be best friends.

Right now your favorite foods are blueberries, mandarine oranges, raisen english muffins, pretzels, vanilla waffers, cheddar goldfish snacks, and yogurt. You do not like vegetables or meat very much. You are a great eater.

Most every morning you come in bed with Daddy and me but you don't like to lay for long. You get bored and just want to play. You love to look at your books and push your doll stroller and walker.

We love you more and more each day. Love always and forever, Mommy