Our Beautiful Bee Boo Baby! You are one year old now! Wow! How time flies. You are just the most wonderful baby ever! You are so very happy and smiley all the time. You had a fabulous birthday party with all the people who love you here to celebrate. We had a BeeBeeQ and a Beehive cake and Bee cookies. We also had a bumble bee pinata, craft table, and we had to have little swimming pools because it was 90+ degrees outside. You really enjoyed everyone and you took your first steps on your birthday while you were opening your gifts. You are not walking too much yet. You will just take little steps back and forth from people to the soft for example. But, you do not like to be held as much. You LOVE to be on the floor holding onto everything walking around everywhere. You love to hold your Daddy and my fingers and walk around outside or in the house.
You have a play kitchen and bumble bee car that you love to play with! You are obsesssed with Shaw Park pool. You get scrunchie when we have to leave the pool. There are many kids at the pool and you love to play with them and just enjoy swimming with mommy, daddy, and mimi in the pool. You like to eat the grilled cheese there also! You love the farm and the lake. We can already tell that you are going to love being active and the outdoors.
We went to Michigan with Grammy T and Popsie, Aunt Cristy and Colan, Uncle Kevin and Lacey. We had a wonderful time. You liked the lake but it was too cold to go in. For some reason you didn't like the sand on your feet or hands but you liked the sand toys you were playing with:)
You are our doll baby and we love you more than anything. We can't wait for you to meet your new brother or sister Nov, 3 2011. We love this new baby so much too. You will be great buddies!