Monday, November 19, 2012

November 2012

Hi my beautiful babies,

Lydia - You are getting to be so big. You are sleeping now in your big girl bed all by yourself. Although, you love when either mommy or daddy snuggles with you before you go to bed. Your new favorite show is Daniel Tiger and you always want to watch it. It's so cute. The show is the cartoon version of Mr. Roger's neighborhood. You are almost 2.5 years old and I can't believe how time is flying by. Before long, it will be time for you to go off to school and daddy is scared of that.

Luke - One of the things that is hilarious that mommy and daddy have both noticed is how you smell like Maple Syrup in the mornings. We think it may have something to do with your diapers and pee sitting in it throughout the night. We both found it funny that we both said the same thing to each other. It's only been about a week since your big one year bday party. It was a great time and mommy put together the best baseball themed party for you. Your actual bday fell on a Saturday, which was perfect. Also, it was 75 degrees that day which was amazing. There were so many kids there and everyone could play outside. You loved your party. The only funning thing was that you didn't want any part of your cake. You just threw it on the floor and fussed about it.

Love you both so crazy huge,
Your daddy

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 2012

Our kids are the absolute cutest in the whole entire world!

We'll start with Luke this time. You are almost one now. We are going to have a huge bday party for you. It's going to be baseball themed. You are so our little man. Mommy and I have this thing where we say to each other that "he's all boy." We say that because everything you do screams ALL BOY, from the way you eat, to the way you interact, to what you like, etc. You are pulling yourself up onto things now and trying to stand up. You have the happiest personality that I've ever seen. You are constantly smiling and laughing. Everything is funny to you, especially Lydia. We love the way you two interact together.

Lydia, you have such the personality. You'll be able to see the funny things that you do through all of the videos we record of you. You are an absolute wiz with electronics almost to the point where it is too much. It may be your first addiction. Your new catch phrase is "tell me about it," which you and everyone else is obsessed with. You ask us how's's's's's meeting.....etc. When we respond, you immediately say TELL ME ABOUT IT. It's absolutely hysterical. You have graduated from the crib to sleeping in your "big girl bed" at night. It was a bit of an adjustment, but after about a week you were pretty good with it. The other thing (besides electronics) that you are obsessed with is everything to do with birthdays. You love birthday cake, birthday candles, singing the birthday song, and in general you need to know when everyone's birthdays are. It is very adorable!

Mommy and I just love the way the two of you interact together. You guys love each other so much and are really starting to play together. We can't wait for that to happen even more.

I love you with everything I have,

Monday, August 20, 2012

August 2012

One month older and so much more of you both to love!!!

Lydia - - You are starting to develop such a cute, yet demanding personality. You insist on being on the phone all the time. You want to look at videos and pictures of absolutely anybody and everybody. One cute thing you are now doing is with Luke. Every morning that you wake up, you ask me "Luke awake?" It is really adorable. If he's awake you run into his room screaming Good Morning at him. If he's not, you say "Luke sleeping?" You've started to sign one of our favorite songs every morning, which you refer to as "If that piggy bank gets broken, daddy buy you a ........." song! It's crazy adorable. You insist on me reading it to you everynight when we do our routine. Our routine if I haven't mentioned it before is Bem time, Chair time, then Crib time. Each one of those parts has a specific time and specific activities that you like to do for each.

Luke - - You are such a cute little squirt now. You are army crawling everywhere and at a fast speed. You hate to be alone and love finding where the action is. If we move into the kitchen and you're still in the other room, you crawl fast over to us. We can hear you coming and your cute little face peaks around the corner and gives us this huge grin. You are such a good baby boy. One of our new things is daddy throwing you up and down in his arms and lightly dropping you on the big pillows on the couch. You absolutely love it. When you hit the pillow, you give me this little grinned look on your face and then bust out laughing. It's way too cute! Also, you are becoming a really good eater, definitely an aggressive eater. Your favorite is yogurt, but your starting to eat all kinds of little snacks. You are starting to turn from our little baby into a little boy.

We love you both so much. Daddy loves his babies with everything he has.

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 2012

My babies,

These posts are getting harder and harder to write. It's only because so much is going on with you two and your development that it's hard to pinpoint what to write about.

Lydia - You are getting to be such a little girl. You are truly a toddler now. You are learning at such a rapid clip. You repeart anything and everything that you hear or see. Your intelligence to me is remarkeable. You have an incredible memory and social intelligence. You know absolutely everyone's names and who goes with you, even for people that you've only seen once or twice ever. You are learning "facetime" on the iphone, so you like to call me at work and ask if I will "facetime" with you. It's next to impossible to turn that down. One of the things that I cherish now the most is our bedtime routine at night. We have a specific order that everything happens in. You take a bath, then jammie time, dry your hair with the towel. Then, we snuggle in the "bem", that is what you call the bed. Finally, you insist on being rocked like a baby in the chair and put to bed in your crib with your 3 favorite blankies: pink, duckie, and red. Of course, there are a lot of goofing around that goes into each of these steps. I will always cherish these moments with you and hope that you don't grow up too fast on me.

Luke - You are such a little handsome baby boy. You are full out "army crawling" right now. You are pretty darn good at it too already. If we put an object or toy out of your reach that you really want to get to, you can crawl over to it really quickly. You started eating yogurt and other soft stuff recently. I think you are going to be a big eater like your daddy. As of right now, you are pretty particular about your yogurt. You love it, but other stuff not so much. You make the funniest face when it is something that you don't want to eat. We can't wait until you officially start crawling, which we think will be very soon. We love taking you guys to the Clayton Shaw Park pool on the weekends. Luke, you don't really like the water too much at this point, but we think that you will come around. You don't like to be put into your little floatie at all. But, you do love to play with your toys and you have a certain affinity to a few of them, notably: bath duckie, and other similar sized objects that are bright in color and that you can put into your mouth. You are such a well behaved and smiley baby. You are an absolute joy to have around and we are very blessed to have you. I'm looking forward to watching you grow up and teaching you all kinds of things.

I love you both so very darn much,
Your daddy

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 2012

Lydia, you had your 2yr birthday this month and Mr. Luke is now 7 months old. There is so much changing with you guys almost everyday that it is tough in the writings to pick what to put in there and really just to keep up.

Lydia: You are now basically repeating every word that you hear. You are learning so much, trying to string together words and sentences. You are a big time lover, wanting to give everyone hugs and kisses. You love to say hi and bye to everybody. You tell people that you are a princess and that you are adorable, which is so cute but also kind of scares daddy! Our bedtime routing has gotten so complex at your discretion. We have to snuggle in the bem (which is what you call the bed), then you insist that I rock you in the chair, and finally we can then go into the crib. But, in the crib it has to be an exact sequence of me placing your 3 blankets on you (ducky, pink, and green) and then giving you kisses on your face, both hands, and your toes. You love anything to do with electronics, IPads, cameras, pictures, etc. As soon as someone takes a picture, you say "I see, I see" and they have to show you the picture.

Luke: You are starting to become so active. You are now eating some soft food, but you don't really like it too much. It seems weird to you to be eating something than mommy's milk. You are rolling over so much now and doing it so fast. You are the most happy baby in the whole world. You never cry and are always smiling. You love it when daddy points at you and yells "Yeah." It's really cute. One of the things you do now (which daddy finds hysterical) is that when we change your diaper, you have to play with yourself. Mommy shakes her head that daddy finds that funny. Sometimes it creates a mess since you get your hands all dirty. You are daddy's little man. There is so much you are going to be doing over the next several months. You are right on the precipous of becoming very mobile, which is a good and a bad thing for us. But, we love it and we love you.

Until next time! I love you both with all of my fiber and being.

Love forever and always,
Your daddy

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 2012

Hello my dear babies (Lydia and Luke),

I feel like your whole life is being documented so well. Hopefully, mommy and I are doing a good job with pictures, writings, and videos. Our hope is that when you look back on all of this, you will be glad to have all of these things from your childhood.

Lydia, you are such a big girl now with a ton of personality. You definitely are a big lover, but that's no surprise since mommy and daddy are like that too. One of your newest things is to snuggle in the bed with us. You call it "bem" instead of bed, which is the cutest. You just love to snuggle up to us. Sometimes when you can't sleep at night or wake up in the middle of the night, you say daddy and point to the bed and say bem. So, then we usually go night night together. You also are getting to be obsessed with the zoo. I can't blame you since you go there all the time. Mimi has the yearly pass and we live right next door. You love to talk about the penguins, zebras, and monkeys.

Luke, you are growing up so fast too. Rolling over is now no problem for you. You are such a smiley pants and such a wonderful baby. You are soooo laid back and chill. Everybody loves holding you. It wont be long before you're fully sitting up and even bouncing in your little bumbo seat. You love to sit in your chair now and do so well with it. You always want to be a part of the action and you love it when Lydia gives you attention. It's the absolute cutest thing in the world seeing you two interact with each other.

Well, I love you both so much. We are so blessed to have such wonderful children in our family.

All of my love,

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 2012

Well, it is mid February already. The warm weather is just around the corner. Mommy and I cannot wait until this summer when we get to see the two of your interact more together outside. We will be taking walks, trips to the farm, trips to the pool, and generally just doing way more active stuff.

Lydia, your new thing is an absolute obsession with eating cookies. At first, you started calling them coo coos. Now, you are to the point where you actually say the whole word. If it was up to you, you would have cookies as every meal. It's hilarious. You think that the pantry area only has cookies and nothing else. Everytime you go back there, you point and say cookies. Another new thing is how you love to play with daddy in the fort (i.e. blankets, pillows, toys, etc.). You love to play peek-a-boo and giggle. You have a few favorite hiding spots that you always go to: in the corners of rooms behind furniture, wrapping yourself up in the curtains, and others. The funny thing is that when daddy finds you, you cover your eyes up because you think that I can't see you then. You love to climb on daddy's back and say chu chu, like a train. I'd say you are a really terrific big sister about 90% of the time. You kiss your brother on his head, his hands, and love to hold him like a big girl. The 10% when you are bad you try to hit him, bit him, and pinch or scratch him. This is totally normal. Mommy and I joke that he's going to grow big and pay you back so you better be careful.

Luke, in case you didn't already know, your official nickname is Baudy Jones. And, daddy loves to say "Yeah" really funny after calling you Baudy Jones. When I do that, you just smile from ear to ear and sometimes even give an adorable little baby chuckle. Your newest thing is that you rolled over for the first time. It happened about a week ago. You roll over from your stomach to your back and also from your back to your stomach. This means that mommy and daddy have to keep even more of an eye on you now. You are getting so strong with your body in terms of holding your head up, rolling over, and continuing to do new things each and every day. We can't wait to see what you do next. We still haven't figured out your exact nightly sleep schedule. You are waking up about every 2 hours and crying for milk, which makes it really hard on mommy since she gets no sleep. This is the age when we have to transition you to not eating in the middle of the night. Hopefully for mommy's sake, you will get there soon.

We love you both so much. Daddy is completely obsessed and in love with his family. We are so lucky and blessed to have the two of you. I know you will both be wonderful, caring, and loving children. But, don't grow up too fast on us. We want to cherish the moments that we have with you while you are so young.

Love you huge,

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 2012

Hi my babies. It's a New Year and we love you both so much. It doesn't seem like there is a ton of new stuff going on. Mommy probably has many more stories than Daddy. You both are so darn cute together. We are trying to get as much footage of you two as we can through both pictures and video.

Lydia, you are turning into such a funny character with all the little things you do. Dancing to music has become one of your absolute favorites. Whenever music comes on, you dance like crazy, spinning in circles, and doing you little chicken dance elbows. When the music goes off, you run to one of us and point to the music saying Uh-oh! It's adorable. You love to love on your little brother. Sometimes you want to love on him so much that you actually try to lay on top of his little body and kiss him in the face. Daddy is so impressed with how smart you are. Your understanding of things is remarkeable. It usually only takes us telling/teaching you about something once and you commit it to memory.

Luke, you are trying so hard to sit up now. We think you see your sister and want so bad to play with her. We are predicting that you will be fast to crawl, walk, etc. because you have such an incentive to get moving. Your little smile is soooo adorable. You just started smiling a ton over the last month or so. It even seems like you are trying to talk to us on many occasions.

Mommy just started doing crossfit with daddy. We want to be in shape for many reasons. First and foremost, we have more energy to play with you guys and are stronger which helps in carrying you guys around.

Your entire family loves you both so much. You are definitely in high demand. We can't wait to see you two growing together, playing together, and loving each other.

Till next time.

I love you both so much,