drew- has 4 teeth on top 2 on bottom, starting to get on all 4s and rock back and forth, will roll multiple times to get to what he wants, loves talking with luke and lydia - they go back and forth with each other in the car and at the table, loves to eat cheerios, turkey, cheese, bananas, avocado, small pieces of chicken, is still breastfeeding but only in morning, naps, and night, grabs everything in sight and wants to put in mouth, loves lounging in the pool in his raft, super layed back and easy going but now on the move and super squirmy when you hold him or change diaper, he wants to play on the ground all the time and now gets sad when mommy or the kids leave the room he is in, hates wearing his sun hat, always giggling and smiling, loves being tickled and peak a boo, loves his wubanub binkis, has never worn shoes yet, not too fond of the bath, claps hands well, starting to wave, can give high fives to kids, loves playing with cars and trucks with luke
luke - starting to be able to understand him better but still broken sentences, doesn't want to potty train - says hes scared of the potty, obsessed with puzzles and very good at the usa map puzzle, loves trying on everyones shoes and says - i a socca playa, reads 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed by himself, needs to do everything himself - if i help him out of the car he has to climb back into the car and get out himself, still in crib but getting hard to go to sleep during naps a little, loves to swim with his floaty in the pool, does everything lydia does, bye bye night night bye bye deet, wants to hold and squeeze drew all the time, can say his prayer at night by himself and brush his teeth a little, hates going poopy - hurts his bottom and says don't touch me while he is pooping, still loves playing and lining his cars up perfectly in a row, has to have things just his way with lining toys up, wears high heels and makeup when lydi does, plays really well with Charleston, liam, and other boys, sings/screams let it go in the car, wants to pick out his own clothes, can put his own shoes on by himself but gets frustrated when his shoes come un velcroed, favorite food is cheese, grilled cheese, strawberries and milk
Lydi - smart and sassy but very caring considerate and sweet, pays well with charolotte, matt, and other kids, wants to be faster, taller, and older than her friends, loves sidewalk chalk scooter princess sprinkler, wants everyone to spell things for her and interested in sounding out words, can read names in my phone, loves playing games - headband game, go fish, candy land, matching, eye spy, does expressions like mommy and uses words like daddy "i'm sick of it", always wants to know where everyone is and where they are going, likes getting mail, runs to daddy when he gets home (with luke), needs to have constant activity, loved her pompom dance class with mrs west and is now in neighborhood camp, really wants to learn how to swim but still working on it. likes hanging with older girls like parker but still needs to learn how to share more, good at dribbling soccer ball, sings let it go and makes up song at end of the night about all the daily activities, does exactly what i tell her not to do, drama queen and cries at the drop of a hat, loves baby cousin amelia and can hold her very well, very motherly and nurturing, hates her hair brushed, wants to sit in the regular seat in the car and argues with me about it, gets couch time with mommy and daddy once boys go to sleep, loves dress up, eats well and even starting to eat salad