Lydi- Still
sleeps in her toddler bed, she needs us to count to 4 and move our finger down
from her forehead four times to nose each time she sleeps, likes door cracklied, dresses
herself with Jewelry and stick on earrings and perfume, starting the shower by
herself but still likes to play in there more than wash, best friends are
Charlotte Kittner, Parker and frannie kluesner, loves to work on writing her
numbers and letters, she is really starting to read and can spell many small
words and sounds big ones out, bookey nickname, she likes to nickname the boys and Jeff,
likes to wrestle with daddy but screams and laughs the whole time which mommy
can't stand, loves the iPad and computer and phone - Facebook, can say our
father prayer all by herself, starting to be really good in church, goes to Sunday
school, will be in superstar preschool room, this fall doing soccer and dance, helps a
good amount and loves being a caretaker, likes hide and seek, can really swim
well now, can jump off diving board at farm and swim to shallow end, loves her
nails painted, couch time after boys go to bed,
luke - puts shoes on
opposite feet, has to wear socks even with sandles, starting to potty train,
loves his spiderman and thomas tank engine underwear - has to dump his own pee
in the potty and it gets it on his hands all the time also refuses to poop on the potty,
obsessed with reading book before bed then putting them each in crib then
climbing over the arm of the chair, needs all to be in same exact order, likes
me to sing one boy song old mcdonald "farm song" and rock a bye baby.
loves when daddy whispers in his ear he says "...gordock..." and
daddy talks about what he loves about the day with Luke to him. loves kicking the soccer ball, throwing the ball,
digging in the sand at the beach, jumping in the waves "watch out big
one" we couldnt just say watch out - he would get mad we had to change it and
add big one. loves his scooter and helmet and riding it in the park with jack
ketcham, charleston perez, and knox alferman. loves breakfast but doesnt eat much meat and only wants to eat cheese fruit and dairy. obsessed with saying
BOTH when given a choice - luke do you want juice or milk? Both Both! about to
start school in the balloon room. mankiss and buddy hug are sayings with daddy. fit in the pic'sh,
loves to "power bomb" daddy, when daddy leaves he comes to door to
give high five and one more kiss. asks all day long "where's daddy? i say
where do you think he is? he says "woork". on vacation he would ask
jodi where's paul even when paul was standing right next to her and did that
with each couple, will not stop "loving on" Drew but that is basically
pulling and squeezing his arms and legs. when he has been sick he says kiss me
goppy, says his prayers at night so cute and prayed for dog Piper on the other
street. lydia takes care of him like she is his mommy and nurse
Drew- At 10.5 months started crawling
and about 11 started pulling up on everything and taking steps while holding
on, crawls everywhere in the house and puts everything in mouth, eats
everything and lots of food, drinks regular milk now and nurses about twice a
day, likes to chew on toys, has 4 teeth on bottom and 2 on top, loves when daddy tickles his arm pit and giggles really cute, Luke is constantly hugging and
pulling and kissing him which now makes him cry, drewman dreedles, straight up
nettes, kooman kettles, tuman tettles, stands up in crib now, has figured out
that crying gets him attention, falls asleep on daddy's shoulder in the chair,
likes to swing, still doesn't like the bath much but getting better, loves the
pool, so adorable when he cuddles with you and puts cheeks on your cheek, loves
to throw balls back and forth and even can throw to the dog and play fetch