Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 2012

Our kids are the absolute cutest in the whole entire world!

We'll start with Luke this time. You are almost one now. We are going to have a huge bday party for you. It's going to be baseball themed. You are so our little man. Mommy and I have this thing where we say to each other that "he's all boy." We say that because everything you do screams ALL BOY, from the way you eat, to the way you interact, to what you like, etc. You are pulling yourself up onto things now and trying to stand up. You have the happiest personality that I've ever seen. You are constantly smiling and laughing. Everything is funny to you, especially Lydia. We love the way you two interact together.

Lydia, you have such the personality. You'll be able to see the funny things that you do through all of the videos we record of you. You are an absolute wiz with electronics almost to the point where it is too much. It may be your first addiction. Your new catch phrase is "tell me about it," which you and everyone else is obsessed with. You ask us how's work.....how's crossfit......how's tennis......how's exercising......how's meeting.....etc. When we respond, you immediately say TELL ME ABOUT IT. It's absolutely hysterical. You have graduated from the crib to sleeping in your "big girl bed" at night. It was a bit of an adjustment, but after about a week you were pretty good with it. The other thing (besides electronics) that you are obsessed with is everything to do with birthdays. You love birthday cake, birthday candles, singing the birthday song, and in general you need to know when everyone's birthdays are. It is very adorable!

Mommy and I just love the way the two of you interact together. You guys love each other so much and are really starting to play together. We can't wait for that to happen even more.

I love you with everything I have,