Friday, December 27, 2013

December 2013

New happenings.......

Drew -
You love sucking your fingers - trying to figure out how to suck thumb or fingers spits binki out now, never stops smiling and laughing, love watching your siblings, gooey eyes all the time from clogged tear ducts, never cries unless hungry tired or wet, easy going go with the flow baby, don't know what color your eyes will be  - mommy thinks green or maybe blue, working on tummy time, sits well when put up on couch or chair, Luke and Lydi are constantly pushing and prodding loving on you, love your mobile in the crib and reading books with luke, lydia calls you my sweet baby, starting to reach and hold toys and rattles, love to talk giberish sounds, getting chubby cheeks, love being sung to and your head rubbed

Luke -
As soon as we get in the car you start pointing and saying "uck" mommy for any truck that passes, also obsessed with ariel and elmo movie in the car, constantly carrying your stack of books from your shelf/floor to the chair or from downstairs to up the stairs, has to carry a huge stack of them, don't like the shower  - say hot even if it isn’t but still love the bath, like stacking blocks, legos, doing animal and car puzzles, taking the animal and sesame street ornaments off tree, using two-3 words together now, started climbing out of crib very early even when we put mattress on the floor so we put you to sleep in jeans for 3 days and you forgot about crawling out, just able to part your hair now, want to play at lydi’s school every time we drop her off, protective and loving toward goppy, ask for eggies and milk every morning, calls Santa tata, our elf Frank, wants to talk on the phone to uncle paul and grandmas, you think all calls are facetime, so you will hold the phone up to a book or the elf so the other person can see it you think, asked santa for " elmo uck" at first you were scared of santa but then you sat next to him and at the end he hugged you.

Lydia -

getting so mature but already has attitude with deep sighs and eye rolls, adores school especially music class, very girls and loves purses, stick on earings, necklaces, asked santa for a princess watch and princess playdough, you are very helpful when you want to be, very polite, we have to ask you to get dressed about 5 times before you will do it, loves to color and play pladough, you make bday cakes with playdough and sing happy bday, love to wear your pink cowboy boots, wants to take your doll everywhere, has a new name for the dolly every day, can read the stocking names at mimi's house perfectly, know all your numbers and letters, still obsessed with facebook because of peoples pictures, still come in our bed almost every night to snuggle with daddy, says sayings like mommy - take your time, sorry its taking a while, do you mind - love to joke with daddy and wrestle on the ground and couch, very independent, tells us not to argue (story about happy family), took luke and Lydi to first movie frozen (you both sat on daddy’s lap), very inquisitive about the elf and his magic and how santa’s sled flies and such

Love you three so much!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 2013

Hi three love bugs! Here are some new things going on with each of you:

Drew -
getting chubby - at 6 weeks you're already 9lbs3oz, we love when you smile. You love to stare at us in the eyes and try to make cooing sounds, we have had to keep the kids away from you because of croup and the kids can hardly stay away from kissing you, losing alot of your dark hair you were born with, we think your eyes will stay light - either green or blue, love your swing, working on tummy time but don't like to practice it. loves to fall asleep on our chests, you love watching sports in daddy's arms, gets really relaxed in dad's arms, likes his shhhhhh, very sweet easy go with the flow baby, GOPPY is your nickname (given to you by Luke)

scared of the car wash drive through - cries the whole time, every other word out of your mouth is elmo, love your legos now and plays with lego car on the floor, still obsessed with the eeesh, started bringing your plate over to the sink like lydia does, wants to go to school with lydi every day, loves to climb UP the slide at the park, if we say bath time you start singing "ba ba ba bubbly bubbles", loves throwing the ball to daddy,mommy, and Lel a, loves drew and calls him Goppy, started brushing your teeth by yourself, mainly eats cheese yogurt eggs and chicken, wants an elmo cake for bday, going to the zoo for 2nd bday and having family over that night, going to richards on the 9th for his 2nd bday

Lydi -
loves playing with playdough now, reads books and makes up the funniest things for example today you said" ariel was a sweet princess and wanted to kiss her handsome prince. she went to the ocean but there was no water in it. She found her dog but he had no eyes." You always start and finish with once upon a time and they lived happily evea afta, your teacher said,"this class would be boring without Lydia" also said you have very high personal and verbal skills and are very polite. you whine alot and we have to tell you no whining,

loves the iphone and ipad still

Love always and forever, 

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 2013

Drew is here (born 9/12/13), so we'll start with him this time.........

Drew- so surprised when he came out with long dark hair, so little at
6lb 6oz, long skinny legs and arms but big knobby knees like daddy, long
eyelashes, not sure if he will have blue green or brown eyes but mommy
thinks green, loves being swaddled, took a bottle and formula very
well and quick to learn, breast feeds like a champ- was back to birth
weight by day 6, kids adore him and Luke calls him baby Gop, very easy
going and laid back baby, hair colic in front hair line that parts
down the middle, all our family is in love with him, likes to be super
warm with two swaddles and a hat to sleep

Luke - is in an Elmo phase right now. He loved Elmo videos on my
phone, DVDs, stuffed animals and on tv, loves drew and say hi baby and
gives him back pats, he had never been mean or jealous but had tried
to love him too hard by hugging him tight, he's obsessed with Jeff's
shoes and puts then on many mornings, his favorite foods now are
yogurt, cheese, and eggs, his favorite book is goodnight baseball,
likes to say ah back pats and ah treat, he's talking much more but understands
everything, loves the bath tub and sings ba ba ba bubbly bubbles, once
6:45 hits he gets super tired and wants to pass out, loves dropping
Lydi off at school and wants to stay and play

Lydi - rainbow room mon wed Friday, mrs smith and mrs soifer are her
teachers, loves the playdough, painting,  singing who who who are you
song, 7 kids in the class, teacher day Lydia is very good at cleaning
up after herself and being compassionate toward other classmates,
brought a spoon to school the day she was special person of the day,
overjoyed at being special person of the day, brushes her teeth and
hair by herself now, still naps well, bed at 8pm, iikes Cinderella and
little mermaid in the car, loves drew wants to hold him all the time,
tried to put him on her shoulder

We love you three so much,
Mommy and Daddy (pants)

Monday, August 19, 2013

August 2013

1 month until Laughlin Baby #3 arrives.

In sad news, your wonderful great grandma Marglous passed away this month on 8/7/13. While we're very sad that you will never really remember or know her, she lived a great life and we will have many stories to tell you when you are ready. 

New happenings:

Luke loves the vacuum, does everything Lydi does, can keep himself busy with balls and books, loves his big boy room, had to move books off his shelf because he wanted to read 16 per night, goes right to bed without any crying, sleeps with bear and moose from mimi's Alaska trip, does the serious look with scrunched eye brows when asking a question, obsessed with Mimi and scout, calls dogs "ruffs", always scratching up his knees and face, rubs his eyes hard when he gets grogy. You call your binki "eesh" which is adorable.

Lydi asks every person what their name is sometimes multiple times at zoo, restaurants, pool, park, grocery store, starts UUM preschool in 2 weeks, doesn't listen too well when she is outside running wont stop, wants to dress herself and is very adamant on wearing what she wants, wants to wear pants in 80 degree weather, loves her pink cowboy boots, other frequent questions she asks: "where's your daddy?" " what's your favorite color or favorite animal at the zoo?" What food did you order?" " can you drive or do you have to sit in a car seat?", asks to have sleepovers at Mimis and Grammy Ts, loves her princess scooter and helmet, super excited for the new baby, getting to be a good helper around the house

Love you both so much,
Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 2013

Two months until baby #3. You guys are sooo cute.

Lydia - Some new things that you love are eating plain guacamole, earrings, necklaces, perfume, build a bear, Disney store, and all types of princess stuff. You keep telling us that you can't wait to meet, love, and hold our next baby. We know you'll be great because you're so great already with Lukey dookey. Your great at playing with him, sharing things, and giving him lots of hugs. You're going to be starting school in July and are so excited for it. We know you'll love all the people. We are a touch worried about your attitude. It's not very often, but when you have it you tend to yell and kick, which is not good at all in a school setting. Hopefully, that won't be happening there. This summer you have been practicing your swimming at the pool with daddy. You have to use your floatie unless daddy is practicing with you. If he is, then you jump off the side of the pool and swim to him. It's adorable. Just like daddy, you don't like the food on your plate to be touching too much. Sometimes daddy squeezes and kisses you too rough and that annoys you, but he just loves you sooooo much.

Luke - Some new things you love are little animals of all kinds, throwing things especially balls (sometimes you do it mad with a "temper face"), the slide in our back yard or really slides of any kinds, and you love your mimi so much. In church, during the "peace be with you" part of the mass, you love to put your little hand out and shake everyone's hand. It really is about the cutest thing we've ever seen. You have to shake everyone's hand and sometimes multiple times. At bedtime, you are now really obsessed with reading books. You keep saying, "book, book, book," until we read you at least a handful of books. You'll even get up out of the chair and our laps to go retrieve a new book and bring it back to us to read. You have an ENORMOUS fear of bugs of all types. You will point at one when you see one with a look of fear on your face and say "bug, bug, bug" to us. It's also extremely adorable. You also have this really cute run that you do. You take both of your hands and put them fully back behind you (like an airplane) while you run. It's really funny. You do it inside the house, but you really do it bigtime when you're outside in the yard.

We love you both so much and are so blessed to have children as wonderful as you.

Love you so huge,
Mommy and Daddy

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 2013

This one is written by mommy:
Lukey - favorite thing to do at restaurants is play with cup and straw, screams for it. sings ba ba ba and woah woah woah at bath time like the raphi song. favorite books are little blue truck and does a duck cluck. No more binki and he got rid of it very easily. trying to talk but right now he goes around talking gibberish all day in the house. He can say birds, bug, all done, and many more. he stands at the pantry and yells for yogurt pretzels and fruit snacks. When he gets mad he throws things. He could eat all day long and he is always the last one eating at meals. throws balls constantly even in the bath tub against the bath wall. wrestles with lydi and daddy. crawls on head of lydi on the floor. climbs on other people's feet and legs to get higher or see over things. threw rocks in the ocean for 45 mins straight. walked around the pool and threw toys into the pool then got them out and threw them all in again.


lydi sleeps with her dollie and duckie under her tummy and always asks for a nose wipe. she pointed to my boobs and asked for some of those for her birthday. I said what, earrings? she said no boobs. obsessed with the farm book and wants to read it every night. she reads to herself and makes up stories, words, and songs. she has one moron word - fransagoodie. She volunteered at the sea lion show all by herself and wanted her face painted and to go on the carousel. She asks everyone their name about 10 times. Loves disney princesses but only wants to watch cinderella. runs up to everyone to talk to them. sings to and rocks her baby dolls. for her 3rd b day she got a water table, disney princess scooter, coloring book, game for little ipad, picnic table, candy land, bike helmet, tennis racket, sticker earrings

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 2013

Hi Cuties,

We'll start with Luke (aka Azadukey!) today. Your first word(s), we think, are "all boy" which is hysterical. We always say that you are all boy, because of the things you do so much differently than Lydia. She is definitely girly and you are all boy. A new obsession with you is animals, especially birds and dogs of all kinds. You love to point them out wherever we go and get real excited about them. I think I mentioned that you love playing catch and really throwing any type of ball around. Your coordination and throwing arm are really good. You love the baseball song, "take me out to the ballgame." You kind of have that engineering mindset too. You enjoy putting things in and out of boxes and like to see how things work and how they are made. A challenge now for us is that you've just started to get attitude. It's kind of funny when you are trying to show us that you are mad and you go and throw your cup on the floor. Speaking of your drinks, you really like chugging your milk down, but really haven't taken to any other type of drink. Hopefully, that starts to change because it's causing you to have really painful poo-poos.

Lydia, you are even more social than ever, which I think I've mentioned quite a few times in these writings. It doesn't matter where you're at (playground, store, restaurants, walking down the street, etc.) all you want to do is say hi to absolutely everyone you see. You also like to ask "what's your name" and "what are you doing" and "where's your mommy and daddy" etc. etc. etc. You love playing with and taking care of your dolls. You even have to have them in your bed with you. Speaking of your bed, we recently converted your crib to a big girl bed. You are now sleeping there on your own and it's open so you could just walk right out, but most nights you sleep very well in your bed. As always, you love the ipad and all these electronic. On the ipad, you especially love to watch videos where they are singing happy birthday with cake and candles. It's your absolute favorite thing in life and on the computer. You even try to sign the videos that are in a different language! One of your new things is to tell us this long drawn out stories that don't really make much sense, then you laugh at the end of the story. It's really cute! One of the things that worries us is that you tend to not look where you're going when you're walking, playing, running, etc. You trip quite often because of this. We think it's because you are so social that you just keep talking or singing without focusing on what you're doing.

We love you both so much,
Daddy and Mommy Pants!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 2013

Hello my two little love bugs,

Lydia, you love to read books especially brown bear. When you read them, you just make up your own words, which is adorable. You love to pray at night and fold your little hands together. You also love to kiss everyone and talk to baby #3 in Mommy's belly. You're basically the most social toddler around too. You say hello to absolutely everyone that you come across and in any place. This social nature you have is evident too in that you are obsessed with Facebook. You've even taught yourself to post our pictures randomly on the site with jiberish words. You love your Thursday dance class and going to the doctor's office (you think you're a nurse!). One of your favorite places in Bread Company, which you call the Muffy place. Mimi loves to take you there. Lately, you've learned to crawl out of your crib. You then come into our room and want to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed. This is not a good thing, but sometimes we let you get away with it because you're so darn cute and snuggly.

Luke, you love to kiss and hug just like Lydia. You're both love bugs. You love to eat, especially your morning eggs. You are obsessed with your binkie, especially come bed time. You can't sleep without it. You are a really coordinated little guy. You taught yourself how to go down the stairs so easily. You throw any kind of ball really well. You're also a star at playing with Legos. You are so close to talking, but not quite yet. This words you are coming really close to saying are oh, bird, baby, dog, mama, dada, and mimi. You love reading books and can identify anything that we ask you to point out to us. You really like reading through the animal books and pointing out all the animals, especially the cows and doggies. You also are obsessed with watching and pointing at birds and at airplanes when you are outside.

I love you both so incredibly much,
Your daddy.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 2013

We just rolled into the New Year my two babies!

Lydia - One of my favorite things you are saying now is "I member that" which is supposed to be I remember that. You're so funny. You say it even when I know you don't rember it or never heard it in the first place. You are so polite too. You have several things you say regarding that: sorry, please, don't worry about that, thank you, thanks for playing with me, thank you for dinner, etc. It's adorable. We just had Xmas and you both got sooooo many gifts. Your favorite gift this year was your baby stroller. You talked about it so much asking Santa about it and were so excited when you first saw it. This was the year that you met "elf on a shelf" too. We really loved seeing you react to him.

Luke - You are now walking and it is absolutely the custest thing in the entire world. You walk like a little baby frankenstein with your cute little arms out and your stiff legs stumbling forward. You always have a huge smile on your face when you do your walk. Both of us think that you are so coordinated and going to be such a natural athlete. You take to things so quickly. One of my favorite gifts that you got for xmas was your little tikes basketball goal. It's really your first sporty thing. You took to it so quickly. All you wanted to do was to take the basketbally and have daddy hold you up to the basket so you could drop the ball in. Then, you would smile and giggle so huge, because you were so proud of yourself.

Before and during xmas, both of you got sick and it was a big bummer. You both threw up a few times in the middle of the night. You guys actually got mimi and popsy sick too. Good news is that all is fine now and everyone is better.

Love you both so much,