Drew -
You love sucking your
fingers - trying to figure out how to suck thumb or fingers spits binki
out now, never stops smiling and laughing, love watching your siblings, gooey
eyes all the time from clogged tear ducts, never cries unless hungry tired or
wet, easy going go with the flow baby, don't know what color your eyes will
be - mommy thinks green or maybe blue, working on tummy time, sits well
when put up on couch or chair, Luke and Lydi are constantly pushing and
prodding loving on you, love your mobile in the crib and reading books with
luke, lydia calls you my sweet baby, starting to reach and hold toys and
rattles, love to talk giberish sounds, getting chubby cheeks, love being sung
to and your head rubbed
Luke -
As soon as we get in
the car you start pointing and saying "uck" mommy for any truck that
passes, also obsessed with ariel and elmo movie in the car, constantly carrying
your stack of books from your shelf/floor to the chair or from downstairs to up
the stairs, has to carry a huge stack of them, don't like the shower -
say hot even if it isn’t but still love the bath, like stacking blocks, legos,
doing animal and car puzzles, taking the animal and sesame street ornaments off
tree, using two-3 words together now, started climbing out of crib very
early even when we put mattress on the floor so we put you to sleep in
jeans for 3 days and you forgot about crawling out, just able to part your hair
now, want to play at lydi’s school every time we drop her off, protective and
loving toward goppy, ask for eggies and milk every morning, calls Santa tata,
our elf Frank, wants to talk on the phone to uncle paul and grandmas, you think
all calls are facetime, so you will hold the phone up to a book or the elf so
the other person can see it you think, asked santa for " elmo
uck" at first you were scared of santa but then you sat next to him and at
the end he hugged you.
Lydia -
getting so mature but
already has attitude with deep sighs and eye rolls, adores school especially
music class, very girls and loves purses, stick on earings, necklaces, asked
santa for a princess watch and princess playdough, you are very helpful when
you want to be, very polite, we have to ask you to get dressed about 5 times before
you will do it, loves to color and play pladough, you make bday cakes with
playdough and sing happy bday, love to wear your pink cowboy boots, wants to
take your doll everywhere, has a new name for the dolly every day, can read the
stocking names at mimi's house perfectly, know all your numbers and
letters, still obsessed with facebook because of peoples pictures, still come
in our bed almost every night to snuggle with daddy, says sayings like mommy -
take your time, sorry its taking a while, do you mind - love to joke with daddy
and wrestle on the ground and couch, very independent, tells us not to argue
(story about happy family), took luke and Lydi to first movie frozen (you both sat
on daddy’s lap), very inquisitive about the elf and his magic
and how santa’s sled flies and such
Love you three so much!!!
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