Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 2016

Jake - 
Loves the mix, belly laughs at kids, His first word is woof woof and it is the most adorable thing because he pushes his lips out and has the most serious face when he does the woof woof - calls dogs woof woof, He is a weird eater man - he chews food and then gets more interested in another piece of food on his tray so then he spits it all out and goes for the other food and doesn’t swallow much. zerbits on belly, cah cah cah - come on is his chant and even the other kids say it and jeff will say cah cah cah and the kids will yell come on then jeff says cah cah cah, crawling regular now but did army crawl first for 3 months, crawls into pantry and pulls cereal down to eat it, obsessed with playing with any balls, likes to play and crawl with scout, says momma dadda and woof woof, obsessed with reading books but he likes to turn the pages the best, when jeff comes home he power crawls to jeff shouting dada, loves when jeff gets his “finggies” which means pretend biting them - really gumming his fingers and he belly laughs, kids want to crawl into his crib every morning and jake doesn’t like it he wants just momma to get him out of his crib, he is the biggest cuddler when you hug him on your shoulder he rests his head on your shoulder and hugs back, he will  usually go to any adult and hug them and put his head down on their shoulder, Lydia and Luke love picking jake up and trying to carry him but Jake usually gets sick of it quickly, jake is an extremely happy and easy baby, he had strep a few weeks ago but was still a trooper and recovered quickly, Jake loves playing with tags in between his fingers when he is tired especially the ones on his wubanubs, when he is super tired and wants to go to bed he lays on my shoulder and makes a hmmmm hmmm sound and i make it back and he copies me and we do this over and over until he is ready for his crib, when daddy puts you to sleep he whispers in your ear “i love you so very much, get a good sleepy, see you in the morning”, RIDING THE BULL is the cutest thing - Jeff holds him on his hip and Jeff puts his hand up and then Jake puts his up like he is riding a bull and they bounce up and down and jake laughs and loves it, he destroys all his shirts by being the messiest eater

Drew - 
Lieutenant Frank Drebin, good bad and the best mooth kiss, lots of beebee, bee bee net en yahoos, huggies and booboots  - which is hugs and back pats, loves to say excuse me for the burp or toot - thinks it is so funny, loves to play with Luke’s friends, Loves his Henrys - Henry beck and ketcham, drewman nettles, wants to go to school everyday instead of only 3 days, very social and super polite saying please and thank you so loud and adorable voice unprompted, he over exaggerated smile with big teeth and squinty eyes, he still likes to sleep in his crib but he can crawl in and out of it, loves sleeping in room with Luke, He asked for funny things for his birthday: golf room, movie theater, swords to hit luke with, slippers, robe, sleeping bag, in a really good happy stage right now just turned 3, in the balloon room at school, all potty trained and never has accidents - he is so proud of himself going poopoo and wants everyone to see it, loves to play all sports and wants to wear soccer spikes to luke’s soccer practices, loves tennis and watching it on the couch with daddy, hates mooth kiss, foobon, likes to eat everything bagels, carrots and ranch, pirate booty, smoothies, popsicles, likes to dress himself and needs to pick it out himself, loves reading at night with daddy, working on learning his abc and numbers, LOVES the farm and swinging, loves bounce house and loved swimming with floaties and jumping in and playing categories this summer at shaw and farm, loved paw patrol in spring and winter of 2016 but now like mickey mouse club and lion guard, his front teeth have cute space in between them and are crooked from beebees, fights and wrestles with Luke from morning to night, extremely smart and loving, loves “skateboard” song which is if that skateboard wheel falls off mommas gonna buy you an elephant, if that elephant runs away mommas gonna buy you a new bee bee. starting to learn prayers at dinner and bedtime

Luke -  
scared to poop because it hurt one time so we have to force him to sit on the toilet and go. Jeff is the only one that can make him go - sometimes it is 4/5 days without going, he says - is eet gonna hooort (hurt), Rules dookey, super into routine and gets mad if something is done outside of normal routine and wants to go back and do it over - like if I’m not in my bed when he wakes up he throws a fit and pulls me back into my bed then we can get up, if he doesn’t get enough sleep he is crazy exhausted and loses it at the end of the day, he refuses naps but sometimes is tired enough to fall asleep in my bed or on jeff, Loves soccer and likes defense - smiling the whole time he is on the field. loves hanging out with his buddies and can’t keep his hands off his brothers and friends because he loves them so much, gets in trouble for making a fist and pushing on jake’s fingers or crawling with him and getting on top of him softly but he says i just love him so much! and he does - he just can’t keep his hands off of him even when he tries, in the superstar room and ms amy is his teacher, loves hanging out with billy diehr and they play so well together. is still shy and quieter around people and teachers but is getting better at talking to others and saying thank you loud, doesn’t want to say sorry and when he does says it mean usually. Luke is obsessed with building and drawing!!! he loves drawing treasure maps and coloring in small area coloring books, he is very talented. obsessed with difficult puzzles and is super organized with all his toys. Loves to build forts and play bball and is learning to ride his bike too now! He is really showing interest now in reading and sounding out words! Wants to learn how to tie shoes too, extremely smart and loving, likes to push the limits and likes to do everything lydia does, loves pork chops, turkey, cheese sticks, cheese itz, Starting to talk back with attitude, loves one boy song at night and scratching his back, says goodnight love you and wants us to repeat it every night as we close the door. Learning to do the sign of the cross and doing well at prayers

Lydia - 
Cuppie, cake of cup, lost her front tooth and has a lisp and looks adorable! Obsessed with singing, music, excited for piano lessons and practicing, first grade spelling and reading words are beyond easy for her and i am having to figure out how to challenge her with other work. she is extremely motherly, nurturing but with that comes bossing boys a little but always for the good! she reads so very well - at least a 2nd grade level maybe even 3rd grade. she is starting to help by bringing dishes over and making her bed. She usually listens really well but she can talk back about everything and thinks she knows it all already. she is very talented at soccer and her competitive nature makes her want to be in the game all the time. She has many playdates and love doing lemonade stands. She is very independent and showers herself and puts her hair up herself. she likes me to help her get dressed for school in the morning because she is so tired, she loves bringing her purse everywhere. she likes wearing makeup and stick on earrings. She loves walking to and from school with Luka, Abbey, and Isabella. At night we cuddle in her bed and she reads a page then I read a page and so on. She is always loving hugging and kissing on daddy and mommy. She asks the most interesting and advance questions - always. She is very good, competitive and kind at soccer. She is extremely loving toward God and Jesus and is always praying and talking about Jesus and His lessons. She loves buying lunch at school and her favorite meal is breakfast for lunch. She really wants mommy to go to every field trip and be at every school volunteer opportunity. She radiates everything wonderful that could be!

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