Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 2011

Hi dear sweet's your daddy! Since I wrote last, so much is going on. We went on a family trip to St. Thomas the last week of March 2011. You were absolutely great on the trip. You loved the beach. At first, you were confused by the sand. Eventually, you were putting it in your mouth, which wasn't good. Almost everyday on the beach, you took your nap on daddy in a chair under our tan canopy (in the shade). You got no sun on your beautiful skin as mommy did such a good job of putting suntan lotion (75 proof) every couple of hours. On the trip, we spent a full day on a catamarine boat and you were so good on that boat. A perfect baby. You are so well traveled. On the trip was the following: Lydia, mommy, daddy, mimi, Uncle John, Aunt Ann, Uncle Paul, Aunt Elaine, Aunt Collie, and Collie's boyfriend Mark. We had so much fun, we stayed in a big house that overlooked the beautiful water that had 5 bedrooms. Aunt Elaine took over 900 pictures of the trip and posted them to her facebook account. Everyone commented on how super cute you are. Now that the weather is turning warmer in STL, we are so excited about what the summer will offer. Your birthday is right around the corner so mommy is planning that. We love to take walks with you, go to the park, and play in the yard. Aunt Cristy and Uncle Colan are set to marry in August 2011. You will be the cutest flower girl ever. So, what's new with you. You are starting to communicate really well. You give kisses to people (especially daddy) on command. It's adorable. I say, give daddy a kiss, and you open your mouth wide open and lean into my cheek. You clap your hands, play pattycake and peek-a-beeboo, do the so big with your arms held high overhead, and are starting to get into everything (drawers, cabinets, closets, etc.). You are absolutely darling. You have this real determined personality already where you don't give up on a task until you fully figure it out. That's why I think you will be walking before your 1st birthday. You crawl really fast now and can stand really well as long as you are holding on to something. And, even that is getting better by the day. I love you so much. I knew I'd love being a daddy, but you make being a daddy the best. Mommy and daddy love you so much forever. You're going to be the best big sister ever! Til next time my sweet daughter, Your daddy

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