Saturday, July 16, 2011

> 1 Yr OLD!!!

My dear sweet Lydia,

It's been awhile since I've written to you (maybe a couple months or so). In that time, you have continued your development at a staggering pace. You are walking so well. You started walking about a week or two after your first birthday. You are just so curious about everything, learning about anything you can get your hands on or put in your mouth. It is hilarious. But, it's also much more difficult now to keep up with you and make sure you are keeping safe.

The other thing that is hilarious is your appetite. Everyone comments on it. You basically have the appetite of a 10yr old and no one can believe how much you can eat in one sitting. You really like bagels and any bread product (just like your mom) and all kinds of fruits. However, when we take you out you'll eat just about any human food that you can get your hands on.

As far as recent events, of course we had a huge birthday party for you. It was a bumble bee theme party and it went off without a hitch. Only somewhat issue was that it was incredibly hot (nearly 100 degrees). You had all kinds of friends and family attend. My guess is somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-60 people. You were the absolute star of the show.

We have a couple of exciting upcoming events, our trip to Florida as well as Aunt Cristy and Uncle Colan's wedding. The trip to Florida is the first week of August 2011 in South Florida near Naples. We are going with Mimi, Uncle John, Aunt Ann, Uncle Paul, Aunt Elaine, Aunt Colleen and possibly a few others. We are all excited for this trip. The big wedding day is also fast approaching. You are going to be the best flower girl! We have been working on your walking in anticipation of the big day. It will be August 13. I'm certain there will be many pictures saved that you can look at when you are older. The wedding will be in Wright City, MO and it should be a weekend full of events and activities. is a big daddy day. Mommy is at work working a Saturday 12hr shift at the hospital. Right now, you are sitting next to me in your high chair pounding away the food!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!


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