Monday, February 20, 2012

February 2012

Well, it is mid February already. The warm weather is just around the corner. Mommy and I cannot wait until this summer when we get to see the two of your interact more together outside. We will be taking walks, trips to the farm, trips to the pool, and generally just doing way more active stuff.

Lydia, your new thing is an absolute obsession with eating cookies. At first, you started calling them coo coos. Now, you are to the point where you actually say the whole word. If it was up to you, you would have cookies as every meal. It's hilarious. You think that the pantry area only has cookies and nothing else. Everytime you go back there, you point and say cookies. Another new thing is how you love to play with daddy in the fort (i.e. blankets, pillows, toys, etc.). You love to play peek-a-boo and giggle. You have a few favorite hiding spots that you always go to: in the corners of rooms behind furniture, wrapping yourself up in the curtains, and others. The funny thing is that when daddy finds you, you cover your eyes up because you think that I can't see you then. You love to climb on daddy's back and say chu chu, like a train. I'd say you are a really terrific big sister about 90% of the time. You kiss your brother on his head, his hands, and love to hold him like a big girl. The 10% when you are bad you try to hit him, bit him, and pinch or scratch him. This is totally normal. Mommy and I joke that he's going to grow big and pay you back so you better be careful.

Luke, in case you didn't already know, your official nickname is Baudy Jones. And, daddy loves to say "Yeah" really funny after calling you Baudy Jones. When I do that, you just smile from ear to ear and sometimes even give an adorable little baby chuckle. Your newest thing is that you rolled over for the first time. It happened about a week ago. You roll over from your stomach to your back and also from your back to your stomach. This means that mommy and daddy have to keep even more of an eye on you now. You are getting so strong with your body in terms of holding your head up, rolling over, and continuing to do new things each and every day. We can't wait to see what you do next. We still haven't figured out your exact nightly sleep schedule. You are waking up about every 2 hours and crying for milk, which makes it really hard on mommy since she gets no sleep. This is the age when we have to transition you to not eating in the middle of the night. Hopefully for mommy's sake, you will get there soon.

We love you both so much. Daddy is completely obsessed and in love with his family. We are so lucky and blessed to have the two of you. I know you will both be wonderful, caring, and loving children. But, don't grow up too fast on us. We want to cherish the moments that we have with you while you are so young.

Love you huge,

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